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Eric Walrabenstein
4 min read
Stop Doing Yoga
"When spiritual practices are done without thought, they become a form of escape rather than a means of true transformation." — Thich...

Eric Walrabenstein
2 min read
Change Your Karma, Change Your Life
Ever feel like you’re being held back by your current circumstances? Maybe it’s a relationship that has your trapped… Or perhaps a...

Eric Walrabenstein
3 min read
Faith: A Bridge to Your Heart's Desire
There is one thing, more than any other, that is the key to you living the life of your heart’s desire. And that thing is faith (or, as...

Eric Walrabenstein
1 min read
Your Spacious Self - A Meditation Experience
Stressed. Anxious. Overwhelmed. Off-balance. This is how so many of us can feel at this time of year. But it need not be so... Use this...

Eric Walrabenstein
4 min read
A.D.D. or Bad Karma?
How does bad karma affect A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.? Watch this and find out. TRANSCRIPT How does bad karma affect ADHD or ADD? That’s a...

Eric Walrabenstein
5 min read
Blessings in Disguise
Could the bad things that happen to you actually be blessings in disguise? In fact, they can be, but only if you know how to use them....
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